Our Clinic Provides
The main floor of the building has been renovated to accommodate small one to one therapy rooms.
The second and lower levels of the building also contains larger spaces for group therapy.
There is a designated area for the children to sit together for meals and snacks.
There is a large room with toys and gross motor equipment, that is used for social play and for breaks from intensive programming.
Each child has their own material stored near their workstation. All program and confidential material are placed in locked cabinets when not being used.
Home-based Services are provided in your home anywhere within the Durham region. Travel fees may apply for northern and eastern Durham Region.
Depending on the child and goals different set-ups will occur
Typically, the family will be asked to designate a space or room that can be used for therapy.
The specific items required for the therapy environment will vary based on the child. The family and the clinical team will determine individual needs.
A program binder including data will remain in the home.
Community-based Services are provided in whatever environment is required and feasible.
When possible, we may support families by implementing programming in: child care centres, nursery schools, camps, private schools, recreation programs or work placement programs.
A component of generalization may be to work on skills learned in home or clinic-based therapy in the community.
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